Sunday, March 10, 2013



A kind painter came into our house and used a massive amount of white eco-friendly paint to renew our freshly remodeled home. These are WHITE walls! On sunny days it's so darn bright my eyes ache.  So, I've found a solution! A great solution that I'd like to share with you! 

Would you like to support some local folks, get some local, unique art for a great price?? YES??

Look no further than abilia not far from Voltaplatz in Basel. This is an art center with three full time artists working with differently abled individuals from the greater Basel area. A woodworker, a textile artist and a painter work hard along with a wonderful workforce to produce quality product at at-cost prices! 

I found two paintings (and numerous other things, not yet purchased) to bring color into our home. The first was love at first sight and the second a special order! They will work with you to deliver art just to your taste. 

Their hours are regular working hours roughly from 9am to 4pm with open doors to view the work and the people at work. And they always have great items out appropriate for holiday decorations. Think Easter? 

Address: 145 Vogesenstrasse, Basel (all in German) 

I hope you find something too!